
Businex-Service Details

About this Service

Behind every successful business there is a committed team of hardworking people and their leaders. People having emotions and on a different levels of learning curve, need to be constantly nurtured and groomed for higher performances. Companies that fully train and make their staff highly skillful enjoy 218% higher income per employee than those companies who do not make such investment in their employees.


Tai leverages its highly motivated team of subject matter expert trainers and can help offer customized training programs to suit your organizational needs.


We have helped our multiple clients with following programs:


o   Real world, case-based learning

o   Run customized finance business simulation workshops 

o   Develop and deliver “Accounting Essential” course 

o    Develop and deliver “Enhance Productivity of Operational Leaders” program

o   “Robotics” program for Canadian private schools

o    “Certified Personal Trainer” program for Gyms

o   Develop and deliver company SOPs and training manuals


You let us know your training needs and we can run with it from conceptual to delivery stage and subsequent monitoring of its effectiveness via proven methodology.